Sunday, November 28, 2010



1127 was juz like a big big day
many people born in this day
dee dee, kbk, and a girl called yoke mun
yea, same name with me =)
 but i dunno her
she is hub college's friend

went to sing k at leisure mall neway with
the birthday girl and joanne
oh my god
have a super long time din go sing k
excited XD
the birthday girl was kinda busy
we dated her at 11 til 4
then her mummy dated her at 4 til 6++
and lastly her f6 friends were dated her at 7

what will usually we do at k room??
sing k and camwhore for sure
and now got a new thing for me haha
 駙馬會 *dunno how to write it*
if u have watched 公主嫁到 then u will noe what is it
we used mic and with action also
damn funny and 38
but i like it
the driver of the day a.k.a joanne
the birthday girl 
me with a weird look
3 of us DO RE MI 
always the shortest one
heng !!

im sorry for cant attend
im so so sorry to u all

Monday, November 22, 2010

hi people
have a very long time din update my blog
exam is around the corner
have to study hard !!!!
but everytime i took out the note
i only can study seriously on the first or second chapter
but after that
i will think how if i study tmr
i still got time to prepare rite
den keep all my note
everyday also tmr tmr tmr
so when i can finish it

hate my laziness!!